Birds in Snow
Birds in Snow
“I go to Nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.”
John Burroughs
What is more soothing to the mind than a day locked inside a home while looking outside a window and seeing a bird, any bird, eeking out a living amongst fallen snow. I dedicate this page to all life forms that have evolved to handle extreme weather as we humans sit on the sidelines with a hot cup of coffee in awe of life’s grandeur.
Yellow-shafted flicker in snow BS 1
Junco Female snow pile BS 2
Goldfinch BS 3
Starling eating snow BS 4
Male cardinal snowstorm BS 5
Horned lark snow bank BS 6
Junco male in snow BS7
White throat sparrow and Junco snow BS8
Snow Bunting Portrait B 9
White throated sparrow on snow cedar BS 10
Downy woodpecker male in snowstorm dead tree BS 11
Fox Sparrow head-on Snow BS 12
Cardinal Female Snowstorm on post BS 13
Junco Tree Snow Bark BS 14
Titmouse stump and snow BS 15
Pair of House Sparrows snow BS 16
Grackle Snow BS 17
Song Sparrow Wind and Snow BS 18
Canada Goose land Slide Snow BS 19
Carolina Wren Brown Stick and Snow BS 20
Robin Ice Branch BS 21
Tree Sparrow Snow BS 22
Purple Finch Snow Flight BS 23