“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Birds of Sand and Sea
Birds of Sand and Sea
Clapper Rail SS 1
American Coot SS 2
Gannets Diving in ocean SS 3
Laughing Gull 2nd year on beach SS 4
Buff-breasted Sandpiper SS 5
Semi-palmated Sandpipers on Beach SS 6
Skimmers SS 7
Belted Kingfisher SS 8
Greater Yellowlegs Submerged SS 9
Herring Gull Juvenile Large Crab mouth agape SS 10
Willets Tet-e-Tet' SS 11
Foster's Tern SS 12
Herring Gull Scream SS 13
Sanderling Rune SS 14
Herring Gull SS 15
Ring Billed Gull Sand SS16
Royal Tern SS 17
Semi Palmated and Surf SS 18
Harlequin Duck Raft SS 19
Terns flyover surf SS 20
American Crow Caw SS 22
Atlantic Brandt SS 23
Semipalmated large flyover SS 24
Herring Gull Scream SS 25
Black Skimmer Fly By SS 26
Immature Ring Billed Gull Stare SS 27
Brown Pelican SS 28
Wood Stork Walk SS 29
Little Blue Heron SS 30
Tri-colered heron Surf SS 31
Boat tailed Grackle Female hop skip jump SS 32
Bald Eagle Mature Flight SS 33
Fish Crow cedar SS 34
Black Skimmer agape SS 35
Sanderling Winter Beach SS 36
Atlantic Brandt in Formation SS 37
Purple Sandpiper Tet-e-Tet SS 38