Black Rat Snake

Looking back in my photo files I tripped across this image of a 6-foot black rat snake (Pantherophis obselata) I found in 2017. I found this peaceful earthling while performing a state threatened wood turtle survey in Passaic County New Jersey. I know, I know - the word peaceful and snake can never be used in the same sentence. Not true - I found this non-venomous reptile hiding amongst wetland vegetation in a fen. His head was the first thing I saw poking from the grass. He (yes, he, won't bore you with the details) was looking right at me, looking at him. This went on for at least 5 minutes, so I decided to try and pick him up (yes, I cleaned my hands with a mild hand sanitizer I always carry in my back back for just such an occasion). He let me reel him in slow and sure. I was amazed at how docile he was and compliant with the intrusion and Godsmacked by his length and girth! Black rats can reach 7-feet - this guy was close. Walked around for hours with him around my neck - for real. One of the most personal wildlife encounters in my career - he just didn't care. In reality I believe it may have eaten something that day and just wanted to digest. It simply just hung around my neck with absolutely no tightness or aggression - it just seemed to enjoy my company. Whatever it was he was my partner that day as I came up short with wood turtles but got a spirit animal in return. Black rats, in general, are not feisty but usually hustle off when discovered, so this was indeed a serendipitous encounter. I stretched him out for the image herein before gently placing him back in the exact spot I found him. If you should ever feel a need to handle a wild animal make sure you understand the species first and foremost, have experience with their natural history so as to never subject harm, always sanitize your hands as to not impart any bacterial nasties, and always, always, place it back in the exact same spot you found it. Animals know only the habitat they inhabit and can become disoriented and vulnerable otherwise!


Finger Lick’n Good !


The Syrinx