Black Witch Moth

This past Monday evening magic happened in Gateway National Recreational Area within a maritime forest in Sandy Hook, New Jersey . Out of the darkness and the corner of an eye the "Witch" appeared. What a find! Ascalapha odarata - the Black Witch Moth! Six and a half inches of wingspan - impressive for any insect. I've been doing moth surveys for two decades now and have only had one other come to a light in New Jersey. The reason for a tropical moth to take to the upper atmosphere and ride the winds north is still a mystery to science. We, Dr. Emile DeVito and I, were postulating that the behavior is just an insurance policy against climate change - primordial instinct driving them far north out of their home range in the tropics to roll with the changes. Maybe giving them an adaptive advantage when the warming climate makes the landscape in northern latitudes more conducive with their life history. For whatever reason, it was amazing to see this long-distance migrant stop by and join the party!


Bottled Gentian

