Head Up

Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus).

If you reside in any state in close proximity to the Atlantic Coast and if you're lucky enough to have access to inland ponds, channels, or lakes, you're likely to see small "rafts" (4-16), of these waterfowl chasing each other as they work out next year's pair-bonds. The coolest thing to look for is the male "head-up" display; where the males pull their neck up and backward, fan-out their head feathers, and wail-out the most un-duck like vocalization - more frog than duck. Check it out here: https://lnkd.in/e6M5AkNf

This male was photographed on Lake Como in South Belmar, NJ 12.5.23

Hooded Merganser male Head Up

When Push Comes to Shove


Nature From Nature