Dragonflies & Damselflies
Halloween Pennants Wheel Position DD 1.1
“Dragonflies and Damselflies - the sprits of the wilderness. Dual lives - aquatic and terrestrial, grinding the gears of life mostly unseen, unsung, and underappreciated.” BR

6-Spotted Skimmer DD 1

Citrine Damselflies DD 2
Auroa Damsel DD 3

Blue Dasher Head Shot DD 5

Eastern Amber Wing DD6

Ebony Jewelwing DD 7

Comet Darner in Flight DD 8

Widow Skimmer Male DD 9

Comet Darner at Rest DD 12

Green Darner Paired Egg dropping DD 13

Violet Dancer DD 14

Autumn Meadowhawk DD 16

Swamp Darner Egg Laying DD 18