Red-shouldered Hawk
The Red-shouldered Hawk is an NJ State Threatened bird of prey. However, I've seen this raptor during T&E species survey work more and more - good news. Part of the reason for this is that the bird shows a degree of behavioral plasticity that helps offset habitat loss as testified by the image. The scientific literature on red-shouldered hawks refers to its many prey items: chipmunks, snakes, small game, and insects, but what's missing is carrion. The cool thing is the day I photographed the bird I was waiting for a bobcat that has been seen sporadically gormandizing on this white-tailed deer carcass since it was placed there a week prior. Using a remote camera set up I was able to wait and watch from a distance. As the day progressed the sun got warm enough to thaw the top half inch of the carcass. I postulated that the hawk was waiting for its microwave alarm bell to go off in its brain, which signaled its carcass was thawed enough to start and easily rip off strips of venison bacon for consumption. This it did for the next 45 minutes! Man is nature great or what!
Kittatinny Ridge, Warren County, New Jersey.