Red headed Woodpecker

Troy Meadows Natural Area - NJ !! What more need be said. 3,200-acres of sheer natural bliss! Don't believe me? Well, here's proof. There are 7 breeding Woodpeckers in the State of New Jersey: (1) Downy, (2) Hairy, (3) Red-bellied, (4) Northern Flicker (5) Yellow-bellied sapsucker, (6) Pileated, (7) and the Endangered Red-headed. I spent Sunday April 2nd, sitting at one spot along the Troy Brook in the heart of the preserve where, within the time period of an 8-hour day (again, one spot) I documented all 7 species! This is almost unheard of in the birding world of New Jersey, yet Troy Meadows ruled the day............!


House Sparrows


Red-shouldered Hawk