House Sparrows

I get it. House sparrows suck (old world sparrows Passer genus). They're the ultimate invasive bird. They nest in roofs, signs, eaves, pipes, light posts, building sconces, bluebird boxes, store fronts - anyplace with a little space and a roof. I say get over it - they're here to stay; like lanternflies and purple loosestrife this cat is out of the bag. I say enjoy them for being one of the most animated and easily accessible behavior watching birds their is. They wrestle, they play, they chase, they adorn nests with shiny things and feathers, they're great providers. Also, as far as sparrows go the males are beautiful. The fact that they're good at surviving in places they were never meant to be isn't their fault - its ours. I say enjoy them - they ain't going anywhere.

I took this image today outside a Starbucks where he was helping his mate build a nest within the spaces of a giant sign in front of the place.


Snapping Turtles


Red headed Woodpecker