Winter Secret

Troglodytes hiemalis - Translation: Cave Dwelling + Winter = Common Name: Winter Wren

A secretive sprit of a winged-thing hiding amongst brush piles, dense grass and thicket shrubs. Winter Wrens are found in more habitats than one might suppose. However, to see one is like finding a Hobbit in a haystack. Likely, if you're anywhere near a scrubby habitat with brush piles in dense forested lowlands in the Mid-Atlantic - a primary winter region for the bird to inhabit.

Getting one out in the open to photograph is a tough task. The bird displayed here presented while I was in my truck photographing other birds from the driver side window. It seemed like I just turned my head and Poof - it was there. The bird proceeded to proudly strut in front of me for less than 30 seconds, just long enough to fire off a few shots. As quickly as it appeared it disappeared. I heard it a few more times that day so I knew the bird was around but never got another glimpse - making its appearance that more special.

You will not attract this "cave dweller" to a bird feeder but if you create brush piles and leave them near wooded edges you might be able to get them to hang out there during winter months.

Winter Wren

Winter Solstice 2023


When Push Comes to Shove