Winter Solstice 2023

Image Taken on the Winter Solstice - 2023 - Winter sneaked in at 10:27 pm.

I hate when people hate on the winter season. It’s a gift to be living in a climate with all four seasons. Each season brings its beauty and wonder. But there is something about winter that has forever captivated my sense of awe. Watching animals like downy woodpeckers get up early to forage in a snowstorm, poking diligently under each flap of bark, using senses we could never perceive, to attempt to find a morsel of arthropod, beetle and lepidoptera larvae, winter flying midges and poison ivy berries if the warblers of fall haven’t beat them to it.

Winter is cool – don’t ignore it – todays the start of an 89-day celebration!


The Big Stretch


Winter Secret